Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
AJCBCD.ZIP | Yes | 12198 | 8/10/1994 | AJC Binary Coded Decimal Unit 1.0 is a Pascal unit for managing binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers. BCD numbers are used for accurate manipulation of monetary amounts, as well as other decimal numbers where the real number format is unacceptable. The object in this unit allocates memory to store an array of decimal digits, as well as a set of methods for performing basic math with BCD numbers. (Andrew J. Cook) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BAS42.ZIP | Yes | 206176 | 8/10/1994 | BASIC Etc. 4.2 is a QuickBASIC library containing routines for window handling, equipment info, string editing, menubar support, screen handling, and more. (Ryan Johnson) (Reg.Fee: $22-52) |
BKGRND.ZIP | Yes | 7299 | 8/10/1994 | DOSBKGND.PAS 1.0 allows Pascal programmers to include a dialog box which will pop up over the current application without altering the screen contents and leave the screen intact when the box is closed. Requires Borland Pascal 6.0 or later and Turbo Vision. (Tim J. Duncan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BLTC18Z.ZIP | Yes | 258531 | 8/1/1994 | Bullet 1.08 is a B-tree/dBASE DBF database toolkit for C and C++ compilers. (Cornel Huth) (Reg.Fee: $80) |
BPOSF2.ZIP | Yes | 10373 | 8/22/1994 | BPos allows the programmer to search a string for selected substrings using Boolean operators (&=AND, |=OR). It is an extension to the Pascal POS function. Multiple levels of parentheses are supported. Includes Pascal source only. Requires TP6 or above. (Bruce J. Lackore) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CDATDM.ZIP | Yes | 505541 | 7/22/1994 | CrossDAT 2.0 is a crosstab report template for Clarion 3.0+ which will summarize your data in one or two dimensions. It will generate crosstab reports for any file that Clarion 3.0 supports, including Clarion, dBase, Btrieve, Paradox, and ASCII. (Grebar Systems Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $84) |
CHAREDIT.ZIP | Yes | 73662 | 9/14/1994 | Character Editor is a graphic character editor. It saves in binary format and examples are included. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CMOUSE11.ZIP | Yes | 71814 | 8/3/1994 | Cool Mouse Cursor 1.1 is a graphical, true arrow cursor which can be added to any Turbo Vision 2.0 or Turbo Pascal 7.0 application. (Ed Jordan) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
DDPLUS63.ZIP | Yes | 88583 | 8/18/1994 | DDPLus 6.3 is a set of door driver routines for Borland Pascal 7.0. It supports most BBS Software packages, including PC Board Vers 15 and WildCat 3.91, interrupts 0-15, selectable port addresses, com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200 baud. (Steven R. Lorenz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DLGDES45.ZIP | Yes | 233249 | 8/22/1994 | Dialog Design 4.5 assists programmers in creating and editing dialog controls. Dialog boxes and text can be edited, sized, and moved, etc. Once the design is satisfactory, DD will produce source code to add to your program. (David Baldwin) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
DRAGON.ZIP | Yes | 9372 | 8/11/1994 | Dragons Breath 1.0 is a role-playing game for QuickBASIC which allows your character to journey through a maze, confronting bad guys and outsmarting them with your decisions. Requires VGA. (GeckoWare) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DTEST.ZIP | Yes | 9045 | 8/10/1994 | D-Test 1.0 is a DOS testing program similar to Unix test. It can detect the existence of files, directories and even hard drive and return an appropriate errorlevel. Includes C source. (Brett McNamara) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ENCOM160.ZIP | Yes | 215010 | 8/10/1994 | EnCom 1.60 is a C/C++ library of flexible comm routines. Routines include queue-based interrupt-driven transmit and receive, both data and UART status queueing, CRC packet and message formatting, support for multiple base addresses and IRQs, support for multi-port boards like the DigiBoard, and more. (EnQue Software) (Reg.Fee: $100) |
FNTPAK31.ZIP | Yes | 307582 | 8/17/1994 | Font Pak Pro 3.1 contains fonts, icons, mouse shapes and more for C, Pascal, QuickBASIC, PDS, VB-DOS, and PowerBASIC programmers. It allows you to load from 1-8 fonts and use the same fonts in graphics mode; change the shape of lines and mouse cursors in text or in graphics modes; display icons in text or graphics mode; and create 14- to 100-line text mode screens. There are many other video routines included, plus assembler routines, a font editor and fonts. Requires EGA/VGA. (Rob W. Smetana) (Reg.Fee: $29/39) |
FRCDEMO.ZIP | Yes | 95028 | 8/4/1994 | Force 2.4c is a set of demo applications and some source code files which demonstrates how to write small, fast database applications without learning a high level programming language. It features dBase-style syntax, access to TSRs, and runtime swapping capabilities. (Software Evolution Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $215) |
GETPCX.ZIP | Yes | 10345 | 8/10/1994 | GetPCX returns the header information on a PCX file. Includes C++ source. (D. Gannon) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
INT32.ZIP | Yes | 5598 | 7/28/1994 | Interrupt 32-Bit PowerPack contains a library and source code to allow developers to use 16-bit style C/C++ interrupt functions in 32-bit mode. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
INT42A.ZIP | Yes | 362062 | 8/9/1994 | MSDOS Interrupt List 4.2a is a comprehensive listing of functions available through interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. (Ralf Brown) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
INT42B.ZIP | Yes | 362089 | 8/9/1994 | See INT42A.ZIP |
INT42C.ZIP | Yes | 239470 | 8/9/1994 | See INT42A.ZIP |
INT42D.ZIP | Yes | 347462 | 8/9/1994 | See INT42A.ZIP |
ISM120.ZIP | Yes | 239614 | 7/29/1994 | ISAM Manager 1.20 is a database management library for C++ programmers. NEW: implemented multi-user version with full record locking. (Adrian Mardlin) (Reg.Fee: $64) |
KEYLIB.ZIP | Yes | 16383 | 8/10/1994 | Selective Keyboard Handler 1.01 is a set of library routines for getting keystrokes from the user. It does not use a buffer, blocks out BIOS interrupts like CTRL-C, CTRL-ALT-DELETE, PRINT SCREEN, etc., and keys are not limited to the scan-codes accepted by BIOS like CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-ENTER. NEW: added StateTable so the handler can mimic a low level handler. (Douglas Peterson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LCL4B42.ZIP | Yes | 44725 | 8/25/1994 | Lite (Personal) Comm Library for BASIC 4.2 is an interrupt driven asynchronous communications library that supports COM1-COM4 up to 115,200 baud. It also supports Microsoft QuickBasic and Visual Basic. Three example programs are included. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $42) |
MATRIX.ZIP | Yes | 3333 | 7/28/1994 | Matrix is designed to teach row operations on matrices. It can be used to find complete solutions to systems of linear equations, to find determinants and inverses of matrices, to solve standard and non-standard Linear Programming problems, and more. (John Kennedy) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MDF122.ZIP | Yes | 146689 | 8/22/1994 | MDIFF - MPATCH 1.22 produces and applies patches to programs and data files. Includes DOS and OS/2 2.x 32-bit executables and documentation in English and Italian. (Maurizio Giunti) (Reg.Fee: $11) |
MEMALLOC.ZIP | Yes | 4254 | 7/28/1994 | MemAlloc is the C source code for a memory manager with moveable memory blocks. (Roger Moser) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MENUSYS.ZIP | Yes | 19752 | 8/11/1994 | MenuSys is a pull down menu system with bounce bar and highlite letter keys in a module to demonstrate program flow control and menu use. It features scroll boxes, dialog boxes, field editor, and color schemes for monochrome and VGA. Includes QB4 and MSDOS QBasic source. (Brian Dinsmoor) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MPAUSE.ZIP | Yes | 2765 | 7/28/1994 | MPause 1.01� is a pause command replacement that detects mouse clicks. Assembly source is included. (Michael A. Jarvis) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MULTIP.ZIP | Yes | 1447 | 7/28/1994 | Multi is a multi-tasking unit that works in real and protected mode. Includes Pascal source. (Hegel Udo) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PASTERP.ZIP | Yes | 86461 | 7/28/1994 | PASTERP 1.0 is a Pascal-like interpreter with an embedding interface to Borland Pascal programs. (Ron Loewy) (Reg.Fee: $220) |
PBFUN.ZIP | Yes | 6750 | 7/26/1994 | PowerBASIC Functions 1.0 is a set of PowerBASIC routines for performing a variety of tasks. It includes functions to return: the number of days between two dates, the number of days in the month, DOS version number, the existence of a file, along with date, time, size and attribute, and more. (David Cantrell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PCGPE10.ZIP | Yes | 723381 | 7/26/1994 | PC Games Programmers's Encyclopedia 1.0 is a collection of text files, each covering a different aspect of programming games for the computer. It includes articles on programming SVGA cards, programming ATI chip sets, three dimensional rotations for computer graphics, programming PC speakers, Adlib sound cards, and much more. (Mark Feldman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PCSHEL24.ZIP | Yes | 105490 | 8/11/1994 | Power C Shell 2.4 allows you to simplify editing, compiling, and debugging of POWER C programs. Requires 512K RAM. (Chuck Steenburgh) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
PIRATES.ZIP | Yes | 2062 | 7/28/1994 | Pirates puts you in command of the pirate space ship ROGUE II. Your mission is to plunder the galaxy, and avoid destruction by the forces of good. You can visit planets, gamble in cosmic casinos, dock with space stations, and generally wreck havoc on an otherwise peaceful universe. (Michael J. Wanta) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PKGDMO.ZIP | Yes | 304327 | 7/28/1994 | Packager/Installer 1.10 allows you to distribute AS/400 applications via floppy diskettes. With this demo version, objects can only be packaged from or installed to the QGPL library. PACKOBJ will retrieve objects from the QGPL library only, and INSTALL will restore objects to the QGPL library only. (Frank M. Villafane) (Reg.Fee: $265) |
PLAYVOC.ZIP | Yes | 113528 | 8/1/1994 | C++ Sounds Class for DOS 2.0 is a C++ class which accesses the digital sound processing chip without the use of a driver, utility software or environment variables that come as a package with most sound cards. It allows programmers to allow sound support in programs without the concern for the type of sound card and drivers installed by the end user, as long as their card uses a version of the DSP chip which is supported by this class. This class is currently limited to playing VOC files. (Stephen A. Edwards) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
PSCRN_54.ZIP | Yes | 303529 | 8/22/1994 | P-Screen 5.4 lets you design screens, create screen libraries, then display your screens from your own programs. NEW: supports almost all popular programming languages, more flexible screen display routines, new user interface with dialog boxes, improved editor, additional screen saving options, and much more. (Rob W. Smetana) (Reg.Fee: $33-53) |
PTGEN130.ZIP | Yes | 246225 | 8/4/1994 | PtGen - Protected Mode 1.30G is a TurboVision 2.0 screen generator. It features menu bar creating, status line, dialog box creating and more. This is the protected mode version. NEW: basic TVToys support, and copy to clipboard. (Berend de Boer) (Reg.Fee: $41) |
PTGENR1.ZIP | Yes | 234545 | 8/11/1994 | PtGen - Real Mode 1.30g is a TurboVision 2.0 screen generator. It features menu bar creating, status line, dialog box creating and more. This is the real mode version. NEW: Added basic TVToys support, copy to clipboard ability and more. (Berend de Boer) (Reg.Fee: $41) |
PTGENR2.ZIP | Yes | 88296 | 8/11/1994 | See PTGENR1.ZIP |
QB2PB.ZIP | Yes | 19939 | 9/6/1994 | QB2PB 1.0 converts QuickBasic source code into PowerBasic code. (Anton Monroe) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RANLAF.ZIP | Yes | 2896 | 8/11/1994 | RanLaf is the Marsaglia random number generator. It generates numbers between 0 and 2 to the 24th power, including 0. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RES102.ZIP | Yes | 43493 | 7/18/1994 | RES 1.02 is designed to allow C++ developers to use resource files in their programs. The advantage of storing data files this way is that the files may be accessed more quickly and less disk space will be wasted. (Matthew Hildebrand) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
RUKC1G.ZIP | Yes | 622953 | 7/15/1994 | Ruckus/C 1.0g is a C sound toolkit for DOS programmers. It supports OPL, VOC, WAV, MOD, MIDI, CMF, and ROL files. (Cornel Huth) (Reg.Fee: $51) |
SK210F.ZIP | Yes | 132139 | 6/24/1994 | The Skyhawk Developer's Kit 2.1 is a collection of non-OOP units compatible under Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.0 and above. (Bill Madison) |
SUARM.ZIP | Yes | 106630 | 7/27/1994 | Shut Up and Run The Mail 1.0 gets a QWK network tosser for Remote Access 2.01+, Quick BBS, ProBoard, and other Hudson/JAM/*.MSG BBS systems that can run under OS/2 2.1. Includes support for QWK Kludge Lines, multiple-file packets, and bad message support. (Michael E. Nelson) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
SVGACC21.ZIP | Yes | 219127 | 5/14/1994 | SVGACC 2.1 is a high-res, 256-color graphics library for Microsoft and Borland C/C++. It recognizes 20 different SVGA cards, and allows programming in 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 256-colors. NEW: improved functions, including drwbox, drwline, drwfillbox, drwfillcircle, and others. (Stephen L. Balkum) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SVGAPB21.ZIP | Yes | 243537 | 6/14/1994 | SVGAPB 2.1 is a high-res, color graphics library for SP PowerBASIC. It recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in 320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024 256-color modes. Functions include hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick and mouse support, 2D and 3D functions, sprite animation, and GIF encoding and decoding. Requires a 386sx or bettor and SVGA. (Stephen L. Balkum) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SVGAPV21.ZIP | Yes | 231139 | 5/14/1994 | SVGAPV 2.1 is a high-res, 256-color graphics library for Microsoft BASIC PDS and VBDOS. It recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards, and allows programming in 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 256-color modes. NEW: improved several functions, added RES1280, and FILLCONVEXPOLY functions. (Stephen L. Balkum) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SVGAQB21.ZIP | Yes | 229017 | 5/14/1994 | SVGAQB 2.1 is a 256-color graphics library for QBasic 4 which recognizes 16 common SVGA cards. NEW: improved several functions, added RES1280, and FILLCONVEXPOLY functions. (Stephen L. Balkum) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
SYNTEX.ZIP | Yes | 88430 | 7/28/1994 | Syntex 2.0 is a syntax analysis Turbo Pascal source code generator. Given a text file containing a BNF description of the specified grammar, this program will generate a Pascal source for the syntax analysis part of the targeted compiler. (Jean-Francois Le Teno) (Reg.Fee: $any) |
TE280D.ZIP | Yes | 80487 | 8/12/1994 | Tech-Edit 2.8 is a programmer's editor for DOS, OS/2 and Windows NT. It features multiple windows, undo, string search, and more. (Michael Russo) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
TGE133.ZIP | Yes | 196554 | 7/27/1994 | The Graphics Engine 1.33 is a VGA/SVGA graphics library for C/C++ programmers. It contains functions for graphical and mouse interface, device-independence, support for loadable drivers and fonts, virtual screens, PCX support, bitmap scaling, definable mouse pointers, and more. NEW: added a function which will return the address of the first byte of a given character's bitimage. (Matthew Hildebrand) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
TOGMENU.ZIP | Yes | 70359 | 7/28/1994 | TogMenu documents the steps needed to modify Turbo Vision's TMenuView class to allow toggle items to appear on your menus. Includes a demo program to show the changes described. This requires the Turbo Vision source code for either version 1.03 or 2.0. C++ source is included. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TPPAT5.ZIP | Yes | 8866 | 7/27/1994 | Telepathy 2.1 will patch Telepathy libraries and objects dated 4/1/94 or 5/1/94 at 2:10AM to the 7/1/94 2:10Am version. Requires Patch 2.0+. (Extrasensory Software) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TV2VAL.ZIP | Yes | 105168 | 7/27/1994 | TV 2 Validator Class Examples and Notes 1.0 shows how to use the new validator classes for Turbo Vision 2.0 and some notes on usage. It contains several examples of TPXPictureValidator and also some derived classes to handle several types of numeric input. All C++ source code is included. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TVWORK.ZIP | Yes | 199279 | 7/28/1994 | Turbo Vision Workshop 1.0a designs dialogs, menus and statuslines for TurboVision, and gets the workshop to generate C++ or Pascal code. (Mark Timmings) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
ULTWN260.ZIP | Yes | 310804 | 8/10/1994 | UltraWin 2.60 is an extremely small and fast text windowing library for C. (EnQue Software) (Reg.Fee: $100) |
VE2TV103.ZIP | Yes | 332340 | 8/10/1994 | TVMEditor for Turbo Vision 1.03 v.2.0 is a replacement for TEditor. It demonstrates the TVMEditor classes and also serves as a tutorial on selecting color palettes from the command line, and saving and restoring colors to a configuration file. It features virtual memory, buffer sharing, string search and jumping, word wrapping, paragraph reformat, and more. This version is for Turbo Vision 1.03 and Borland C++ 3.1/4.0. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
VE2TV2.ZIP | Yes | 307165 | 8/10/1994 | TVMEditor for Turbo Vision 2.0 v.2.0 is a replacement for TEditor. It demonstrates the TVMEditor classes and also serves as a tutorial on selecting color palettes from the command line, and saving and restoring colors to a configuration file. It features virtual memory, buffer sharing, string search and jumping, word wrapping, paragraph reformat, and more. This version is for Turbo Vision 2.0 and Borland C++ 3.1/4.0. (Eric Woodruff) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
XE415.ZIP | Yes | 52465 | 8/10/1994 | heXEdit 4.15 will allow you to display and/or edit any file. You can also search for a sequence of bytes or a text, display an ASCII chart, and shell to DOS. (Robert Stuntz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
XED10A.ZIP | Yes | 126067 | 7/28/1994 | XED 1.0a is a file editor for hex, ASCII, and binary files. It supports unlimited file sizes, and 28/43/50 line modes. Other features include editing, insert and delete, string search, goto, ASCII tables, generating C data files, bitwise support, and more. DOS and Windows operational modes are included. (David L. Dight) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
XYZ_20.ZIP | Yes | 374314 | 7/28/1994 | XYZ++ 2.0 is a library of optimized C++ classes for both floating point and fixed point 3D graphics. Also includes BGI, mouse, keyboard, and GUI control panel classes, an instructive manual and several example programs. Requires a 386, VGA, and Borland C/C++ 3.1 or above. (Nicholas Centanni) (Reg.Fee: $47) |